
Ballymoney 2007


Ballymoney Show 2007
Judge: Mr. Ben Lamb

ballymoneyKaren Carson (right) with Champion & Thomas Wright with Reserve Champion

ewelambWilliam Caldwell with 1st place Ewe Lamb


Ram, any age: - 1st W & K Carson, 2nd G. Cubitt, A & A McNeill.

Ewe, any age: - 1st T. Wright, 2nd T & S Knox, 3rd T & S Knox.

Ewe, one year old: - 1st W & K Carson, 2nd T. Wright, 3rd Caldwell Bros, 4th T & S Knox, 5th W & K Carson.

Ram Lamb: - 1st T. Wright, 2nd Caldwell Bros, 3rd G. Cubitt, 4th A & A McNeill.

Ewe Lamb: - 1st Caldwell Bros, 2nd T & S Knox, 3rd T. Wright, 4th W & K Carson, 5th T. Wright.

Pair of Lambs: - 1st Caldwell Bros, 2nd T. Wright, 3rd G.Cubitt.

W & K Carson
Reserve Champion
Thomas Wright